Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Steak and Kool-Aid

A friend of mine received an article talking about Google Trends; it's focus on Salt Lake and how that great place leads the world on searches for things like geneology, Pride and Prejudice, jello recipes and 72 Hour Kits. Kidding about the jello recipes.

And that got me thinking - what does Omaha lead in? Steak and Kool-Aid!! Now, it had to be the Kool-Aid with the dash; St. Louis led the way for "Kool Aid," they also had a good showing (3rd) for NAMBLA. Agh!

And of course we were like kids with a new toy and were looking up everything we could think of (Paris Hilton? Melbourne, Australia or "YUM!" Louisville, KY)

Being a College Student - a Reiver - I was interested. How many people not only know what a Reiver IS; but have searched for it? London, Chi, NY respectively. No Iowa. Bizarre.

Googling "meghan" leads me to Cambridge, MA - and last name alone? Stuttgart, Germany. Changing your name? LA, Irvine and San Diego. (Really Californians?) Baby Names? India- then Salt Lake. (again) (random!) And, if not my name, how about someone else? Suri Cruise had Australia, Toronto and NY -

Then I was curious about traits. "Leadership" netted me Washington D.C., and "bravery," Irvine, CA. "Fear" landed in San Diego and "hope," Raleigh, NC. "Megalicious" didn't show up.

and just to leave you wondering -- the most people searching for "elephants" live in Portland, OR.

have fun, kids!


At 5:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You need a job. LOL! Sounds like you had a good time.

At 12:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish Nebraska was known for more...when CC moved to Omaha, he thought all he could do was go cow tipping!

It is sad...but we have awesome beef, corn, fans of Nebraska football and ummmm Kool-Aid I guess!

I love how your mind works...I like knowing I am not the only one whose mind jumps from subject to subject

Its a good thing...means we have a lot to say!!!

At 11:26 PM, Blogger meg said...

well, ha! I need another job like I need a hole in my head. ( laughs )

At 6:40 AM, Blogger clair said...

Did you go back to live in NY for a seconded time?


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