Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I'm armed!

So, this story begins about.. oh, years ago. I was preparing to enter the Army and had decided that I wanted to bike around the city as a last "hurrah!"

As I came up on the last leg of my trip I was passing Benson High School, it was about 3 - 3:30. In the afternoon. On a spring day.

I was biking when I felt a peculiar, the hairs on the back of my neck standing up. I looked around; nothing. I felt it again, stronger. I looked back and saw a red, boxy car approaching. Hm, well, it is a street!

Suddenly, I heard someone say, "Stop!" And, so, I stopped. As I did so the passenger in this car shot at me. Luckily, I had stopped in time that one of the bullets only grazed my arm - and didn't do too much damage.

Perhaps you are wondering why I am sharing this story with you.

The Omaha City Council recently okay'd the carrying of concealed weapons. You have to have a permit, be trained and etc. Okay - whatever. But you would not BELIEVE the brouhaha this has caused!

They nay-sayers are Screaming about Dangerous Criminals having guns.
Right - did you catch that? Dangerous Criminals having guns. Imagine.

My concern isn't that responsible citizens of Omaha will be able to carry arms;
it's that they won't cause enough pain when they go to defend themselves.

When that guy shot me my very first thought was, "What the hell? He missed!" I had been shooting in JROTC for four years and was (and still am) fairly certain that I could hit a target the size of a human being that wasn't even moving. What a dork!

I support the citizens who choose to bear arms; go for it! Be careful! Teach your kids to be responsible - my father had guns in our home the whole time I was growing up and I sure did manage to not shoot (or be shot) at home. Amazing! Now, I probably won't carry a gun; but you never know.

You just never know.


At 11:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, if you decide to carry a gun, will you buy one at the Goodwill??? Nothing against Goodwill or any thrift store...but that commercial was too funny...

Plus...you...gun...kinda scares me...not that I dont believe that you can carry one responsibly...

I could just imagine the fun you would have if a cop pulled you over


At 9:43 PM, Blogger meg said...

heck yeah! Gun Sale at Goodwill.

I MUST have heard that ad wrong...but really? what were they saying then?

At 10:02 AM, Blogger meg said...

I'm scared that one night when I jump the fence to sneak in the back door to steal frozen dinners from the basement refrigerator that Dad will shoot me.

no lie.

At 12:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Why dont you use your key and come in when no one is home during the day so you dont have to worry about getting shot...again...and I doubt your dad would miss

I dont want to go to a funeral anytime soon so please...stop sneaking...

At 11:27 PM, Blogger meg said...

Because I lost my car keys and now I only have 1 key to my car (since I got it copied) and NOTHING else. Like I'll be able to keep track of that!


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