Friday, July 21, 2006

a tale of two bumper stickers

I am driving on the I-80 yesterday when I see two VERY awesome bumper stickers. The first, simply,

"If You're Not Outraged
You're Not Paying Attention"

Beautiful. I can't think of a better way to look at life, politics, education, well - everything.

The second, too, was incredibly apropos-

"I Like Your Christ,
But I don't like your Christians.
Your Christians are nothing like your Christ."

Now, the original quote was Gandhi (who knew?) and it was actually:

I like your Christ. I don't like your Christians. If your Christians lived the way Christ described in the Bible, all of India would be Christian."

Now, for those of you that haven't caught on, I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS). I'm "Christian," regardless of what others might say.
When I say that I am LDS I find there are four camps;
Those that are LDS, too,
those that aren't but don't care that I am,
those that aren't and are "worried about my immortal soul," and
those that are apoplectic. (They are the fun ones!)

(( For those of you who would still like to debate the point of my being Christian... I'm also American, which means YOU carry the burden of proof to show that I am not. Have fun.))

Now - some might call me "Mormon," which while I don't prefer it, it's fine with me. Mormon was an amazing, righteous Christian; more so than some that I run into today. He spoke of Christ, taught of Christ, worshipped and rejoiced in Christ. He served his fellow man and set an example that I am more than happy to follow.

It sort of reminds me of those people in the Middle East that burn the American flag --- burn away, darling, because it doesn't hurt me. I know who I am, where I came from and where I'm going and I know who is allowing me to progress. I know what is expected of me, what I need to do and the importance of loving and serving my fellow man.

This is not directed to any particular group of people but: Perchance if you spoke more of Christ and less of the 'wrongness' of the other religions around you, maybe if you served more and worried less about what others in the community thought of you - -- Maybe if you actually applied those teachings from the Bible that you are so quick to throw in our (collectively) faces -- perhaps you'd find a softer heart and a kinder spirit -- and wasn't that what Christ's teachings were also about?

(aside from the whole you need to be baptized and receive the second witness not to mention the whole priesthood authority issue....)


At 11:43 PM, Blogger meg said...

why, thank you so much!


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