Tuesday, July 25, 2006


My city is freaking awesome. No doubt, there are times when I'm just kind of.. well, bored, honestly - but it's okay. (Really.) I was out Thursday night with a friend of mine and we wandered all over the Old Market area and I was really glad that I was home.

New York was great. (holy heaven was NY great - www.bayards.com) and SanDiego was phenomenal (no cool links for you, sorry) but home is... Home.

We hit the Bemis building that is still home to a collage my first art class worked on; I'm not sure the work was all that impressive but I was excited to have it displayed!!

Then we meandered past Ted&Wally's (the BEST ice cream joint in town). And I have to confess that I was *NOT* amused that MaggieMoo's moved in across the street. What's that about? If you want true, bites-you-back cinnamon ice cream T&W's is the place.

We went into Thomas Mangelsen's art gallery; then the little co-op down on 12th. We both liked Mangelsen's; the coop was "unique" (as artist co-ops are wont to be). I love the nook and cranny art places down there; even the tattoo artists have incredibly awesome displays.

We wandered in the the underground, stopping at the Toy Box (a store), of course. I think he's still befuddled over why there is a toy store in the old market, but I thought the store was great fun. (And apparently the only place in town where you can buy spray-paint side walk chalk for those of us into washable-vandalism!)

Then, duh!, we went sliding and I fed old sugar cookies that my grandpa gave me to the swans. And I don't care what you say those swans are freaking mean buggers.

I heard GlennBoy on the radio this morning talking about the Upstream and how they serve a lot of fish there... and his wife was like, "Duh, up STREAM" and I'll confess; I go for the burgers, pool and magic show so I hadn't realized that either... one of my MOST favorite places to hang out downtown. (Forget it! Check these out too: M's Pub, Vivace's)

I really love Omaha. And that was just the Old Market!

I must, must! recommend to you Mick's in Benson - they have fun music and great drinks (okay, I only drink the coke, but hey! Someone's gotta DD) and in the Heat of Summer we have the College World Series. Sunshine and baseball, who can beat that?

Sometimes I miss New York and sometimes I miss San Diego but I'm so glad to be home.


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