Saturday, February 10, 2007

an update

so, realizing that I haven't written in ForEveR ; some random things have come up so I thought I should fo'sho bring you up to date.

A couple girls at school are ridiculous and I wanted to make a statement regarding why I behave the way I do ;-)

I believe:
PEOPLE HAVE BRAINS -- but they choose not to use them.
....................BECAUSE I believe this I hold people accountable (!) and when they geek-out, THEIR RESPONSIBLE ... hello? Does this make sense to anyone besides myself?

PEOPLE HAVE A RIGHT TO THEIR OWN OPINIONS -- it's unfortunate, yes, some people are just ... stupid, BUT. AND, I don't care what political/sexual/religious/etc. persuasion you are BECAUSE a) if it doesn't hurt anyone, b) you can support your beliefs and c) it doesn't make anyone uncomfortable by impeding on Their Beliefs/etc.....FINE.....Don't care!

And there you go --- that's how I choose to live my life. And that's why
1) I hate these crazy young (older than me) girls who are terrible parents
2) I hate that they eat stupidly and then criticize me for having a coke in the AM for my ADD
3) I hate that they make fun of *my* standards when they smoke, sleep around and are stupid.

AGHHHHHHHHHHHH. Every flippin' day!....Come on!


At 10:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I do not like it when people act superior to others.

I am sorry you get to deal with girls that act that way.

If it makes you feel any better, I drink Diet Code Red Mt. Dew. AND I breastfeed! *SHOCK*

But my baby is growing fat and I stay sane during the day.

So tell anyone who says ANYTHING about your coke (not illegal right?) to go to the Mormon Bridge and JUMP!!!!!!

Those are just my caffeineisleavingmefortheday thoughts.

Love ya!


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