Monday, January 08, 2007

And I wanted to go back?

What the freaking heck was I thinking?!

So - today had some good moments, Great moments and Really sucky moments!

I have two Flagg classes - and this woman is phenomenal but I can't even begin to tell you what her classes are like. Take the hardest class you have ever taken and multiply it by 10 to the fourth and MAYBE you're getting close.


AND then I found out that I only have BW three times a week - what?! I'm crushed.

Two girls that I thought would positively drop the program were there and some that I really thought were doing okay aren't. SAD.

A new girl, Molly, came - she seems nice enough. She's in one of my groups.

PTK is nuts and I am exhausted and must be off ---

I'll write more tomorrow I just wanted to touch base.


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