Monday, September 25, 2006

Actual College Classes

Hello, all!

I'm writing from the land of Procrastination because now that I actually have *real* college classes I have no time.

Kudos to professor Hart who actually was preparing me for college classes, until you I never had one and after you I just thought I was getting lucky.

So, you may wonder why I am commenting on this - I love I-Dub (lots) but most of the classes there, unless you are in an intense program, leave much to be desired. Like... your tuition back. It's great for those that are needing a step between high school and, well, actually, it's great for those who should be in, but are too old for, high school.

My peers can't spell, write, perform basic arithmetic and etc. It drives me INSANE!!!

Anyway, I am lucky enough to now have classes where I am not getting "easy" A's - but am actually LEARNING things. That are interesting. And applicable.

So - to the ITP instructors who tolerate me with an admirable forbearance - here's to you.



At 8:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

YOU Rock Meghan! And don't make me wait so long between posts anymore!

PS Thanks for being my shoulder to lean on last week. Love you!

Aunt Mo


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